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I find my mood board to be very good because its full of different designs that I got inspired by as well, little pieces from each gave me the idea to really come up with my different designs. The different designs I drew are drawn in high quality, the first designs are sketches so I didn’t draw them as high quality but they are sketches where I used rulers as well so it is quality work. My design ideas are drawn very successfully I like them because they aren’t messy they are clear and are detailed, I find that the paragraphs I wrote to explain each is very detailed I refer to my specifications although next time I would like to improve in linking to my specifications a little bit more as it is adding a little bit more detail. One of the most important things that I did not include were the weightings where I rate my different designs and that is how I show how I selected my chosen design although I did not do that I chose my design according to how it best fits my specifications from my evaluation against my specifications.

My evaluations for each design was written well although one thing I found was quite repetitive, I would like to improve that for my next design phase. My final design is drawn really well and I have highlighted the different areas of the design using detailed writing about what everything is. I wrote a clear paragraph on why I selected the design I chose and I would like to improve how I should have linked more to my specifications and how it was the one, which I enjoyed most and thought was effective, but also included all of the specifications. Overall, I thought that I did a good job on my design phase I think that I could have improved on certain points highlighted above like the weightings and how I was repetitive and had a few copy and pastes so they were slightly the same, I am going to be really careful in keeping these areas on my priorities as I would like to achieve the highest.

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