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15th Entry


Tuesday May 16th

Number of days left:

Total Days Left: 4 including weekends&holidays)
Class Periods Left: 0 periods

Work completed & tools used:

Today would have been the last day of the create stage however as it was extended to the following Monday, we not have a few extra days, however today was the last period to work on it in class. I completed my video this period, and attempted it to upload onto the website creater I am using which is however I could not manage to upload it which was a problem.


I am behind with my plan, and need to work more efficiently. I had trouble uploading the video I had created onto my wix website and as a solution I will be uploading the video itself onto managebac to be viewed.

Am I keeping to my plan of action?

I am a little bit behind on my plan.

What I need to do next:

I need to have my clock drilled and I will have completed my clock along with adding the pendulum.

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