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6th Entry


Friday April 12th 2013

Number of days left:

Total Days Left: 37 (including weekends&holidays)
Class Periods Left: 13 periods

Work completed & tools used:

I had taken my clock home to get painted so, I did not have my clock with me to drill the whole, so today I began creating my website. I opened, logged into my account that already exists from previous assignments. I chose a website template and began to change the title, saving the website, then creating the home page adding the project name, class, Mr. Thorburns name etc… I then opened a section for each of my Process Journals, I first made a main tab named Process Journals then made co tabs tited “Entry 1, Entry 2…” I then opened a tab titled Gallery and uploaded all of the pictures I took into a slide, where you can change the picture and see them all.



I am beginning to be behind in my work, I need to catch up fast.

Am I keeping to my plan of action?

I am a day off of my work.

What I need to do next:

  I need to add, change the design of my website begin making my video.

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