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2nd Entry


Tuesday April 2nd 2013

Number of days left:

Total Days Left:

47 (including weekends&holidays)

Class Periods Left:

19 periods

Work completed & tools used:

Today Since I was a day ahead in my plan I began to take pictures of different tools that I was going to use during the create stage for my website that I will be creating. I then took a piece of MDF wood from the shelf at the back of the DT lab, I drew a 311x311cm square by measuring using the steel rule to do this I took a marking pen and a steel rule, by placing the steel rule onto the wood and sketching out the square, I made sure to use a protractor to make the square straight and correctly even. After doing that I got Mr. Thorburn to cut out the square I had just drawn. I then opened up my process Journal and began recording the things that I did today. That was the end of the period so I did not have a chance to sand paper my wood square.


I did not come across any problems today.

Am I keeping to my plan of action?

Yes I am keeping up to my plan of action.

What I need to do next: 

I will be smoothing the edges of my wooden square by using sand paper and a file. I will begin to draw out my cupcake design.

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