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Tuesday April 9th 2013

Number of days left

Total Days Left: 40 (including weekends&holidays)
Class Periods Left: 15 periods


Work completed & tools used:

Today I cut out my clock from the square wood! I placed the wood onto the stand tightening it so it didn’t fall, and by changing the angles according to how I wanted to cut, I cut out my design using the coping saw. I used a lot of strength, preciseness and consistency so that I did not cut into my design or go over the line in any way. Once I cut out my design I took the file to file the rough edges, some edges were uneven from my cuts so I had to file all areas to be able to straighten it out. Mr. Thorburn helped me out by showing me the different types of files, circular, thinner so I could get into the gaps between the loops this came in very handy. After filing I used sand paper to smooth out the edges and give a last professional high quality touch.  I used the camera available from Mr. Thorburn and had one of my friends film and take pictures of what I was doing so once I began my website I could upload the pictures as well as include the videos into the video that I am going to create. I uploaded those pictures and videos onto my netbook before leaving class.


I did not come across any problems that needed to be fixed today.
Am I keeping to my plan of action? Yes I am keeping to my plan of action, I am right on track.


What I need to do next:

  I need to begin creating my website, and editing my videos by colliding the videos and pictures I took.

5th Entry

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